A Little Bit About Our Story

Ricky’s Aesthetics was founded to set a luxury standard in North Brisbane in the fight against aging. At Ricky’s we focus on the health & happiness of your skin in the safest way possible.

Ricky Sidhu

We’re setting the standard in luxury, non-invasive skincare solutions for all ages.

— Ricky Sidhu, Founder

Our Motto

Celebrate the Skin You Are In

A Little More About Ricky’s Aesthetics

Welcome to Ricky's Aesthetics! Our mission is to help you feel confident and beautiful in your own skin. We believe that the key to unlocking your inner and outer beauty is through a combination of natural, non-invasive treatments that deliver stunning results.

Our founder, Ricky, understands firsthand the challenges that come with aging and uneven skin tone. That's why she became passionate about HIFU treatments and their ability to lift and firm sagging skin while reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

As a science teacher, Ricky researched thoroughly and tried the treatment for herself. The results were amazing! Within a month, her skin was plumper, more radiant, and had a natural glow. She received many compliments from her friends and family on how good she looked.

Now, Ricky's Aesthetics is here to help you achieve the same amazing results. Book your appointment today and let us help you feel confident and beautiful!

A little Luxury for your skin with Exceptional Service

Ricky will give your skin a much-needed, industry-leading HIFU boost by paying attention to your specific concerns.

Ready to Say HIFU to the signs of ageing?


  • HIFU stands for High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound. It is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment that uses ultrasound technology to lift and tighten skin on the face, neck, and body.

  • During a HIFU treatment, ultrasound energy is focused on the targeted area of the skin, stimulating collagen production and causing the skin to tighten and lift. The treatment is non-invasive and requires no downtime.

  • Yes, HIFU is a safe and FDA-approved treatment. It has been used for decades in medical applications and has a proven safety record.

  • HIFU can be used to treat various areas of the face and body, including the forehead, cheeks, jawline, neck, and décolletage.

  • The benefits of HIFU include a more youthful and lifted appearance, reduced fine lines and wrinkles, and improved skin tone and texture. It is a non-invasive treatment that requires no downtime and is a great alternative to more invasive procedures.

  • The number of treatments required can vary depending on the individual's skin condition and desired results. Typically, 1-3 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart are recommended for optimal results.

  • No, there is no downtime after a HIFU treatment. You can resume your normal activities immediately after the treatment.

  • Most patients report feeling a slight discomfort during the treatment, but it is generally well-tolerated. Pain medication is not required before or after the procedure.

  • The length of the treatment depends on the area being treated but typically ranges from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

  • The results of a HIFU treatment can last up to 2 years or more, depending on the individual's skin condition and lifestyle factors. It is recommended to have maintenance treatments throughout a 12-month period to maintain the results.

  • Absolutely! While the upfront cost of HIFU may seem higher than other beauty treatments, the long-term benefits and cost savings make it a smart investment. HIFU treatments can last up to 18 months, meaning fewer appointments and touch-ups compared to other treatments that require more frequent visits.

  • While the initial cost of HIFU may be higher, it can ultimately save you money in the long run. For example, treatments like Botox and fillers require more frequent appointments and touch-ups, leading to higher costs over time. Additionally, HIFU can be a more cost-effective alternative to surgery, which can be much more expensive and require longer recovery times.

  • HIFU stimulates collagen production, which can provide long-term benefits such as firmer, tighter skin and a more youthful appearance. Other treatments may provide temporary results that require more frequent touch-ups, but with HIFU, you can enjoy long-lasting results without the need for as many appointments.

  • In addition to the long-term benefits, HIFU is a non-invasive treatment that requires no downtime, meaning you can return to your daily activities immediately following the procedure. It's also a safe option for those who may not want to undergo surgery or use injectables.

  • It's essential to follow the pre and post-treatment instructions provided by your HIFU provider to ensure the best results. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including staying hydrated and protecting your skin from sun exposure, can help prolong the effects of your HIFU treatment. By taking care of your skin and following your provider's instructions, you can maximise the value of your HIFU investment.